Saturday, March 29, 2008

Web walkabout links

Hi everyone,

While I don't recommend that the average doctoral candidate spends lots of time on web walkabouts, I do suggest that once in a while dipping ones intellectual quill pen into the writings and ideas of those outside of our general field of interest is enlivening. After a hard day at work, and while facing a long night of hitting the books in the latest class or typing away on ideas that run around your head in circles, a little adventure into the ideas of others can be good for us.

If you need this type of fix, below are a couple of pots (posts?) to dip into:
  1. Since bias is inherent and the bane of research you may be interested to see what these folks are writing about: .
  2. I don't know what web browser you are using, but I love Firefox. If that is your browser of choice you may be interested in some of the tools/plugins mentioned at: . It might not be a bad idea for this growing community to discuss web tools and see if there could be consensus on what works. While a ways in the future, I will ePostIt the idea for a later time, more readers etc.
Let me know if the idea appeals either by commenting through the link below or emailing me at

All the best for today,

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