Sunday, April 27, 2008

Provocative Logical Sequence: The importance of distributed content from doctoral students

Hi everyone,
This mornings reflections about distributed educational content and doctorate life brings this logical sequence:
  1. IF getting your doctorate is supposed to make you a peer in academia - based on your developed expertise in the area of your dissertation....... AND
  2. IF we now know that in the near future the strategic placement of distributed content will be key to both establishing reputation and maintaining it.....THEN
  3. We should be coaching doctoral students to be establishing trails of their content (i.e. self publishing) so that when they move into their next professional iteration they have a foundation to build upon.
I posit that there are a couple of reasons institutions are not supporting this idea:
  • it runs contrary to their marketing efforts of building their reputations on the backs of the work of their students and faculty
  • the faculty is not equipped to do this as they themselves do not know how.
Perhaps this is a good starting point for our distributed content research - with everyone working on the challenges of putting their own expertise up in a truly distributed way.

Please comment below and let me know if you interest in pursuing any of these ideas with a group of us working on distributed content and how it may affect our careers and the future of education.

All the best,

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